Equiballance (Circle act)

with Acrobatory

On a street laboratory five crazy scientists are researching on the edge of the possible. The experiments on gravity are carried out by high level acrobatics. Club juggling proves extraordinary mathematical equations. On their unicycles they try to find the balance on the spinning earth. Many basic forces are demonstrated in a magical and unexpected way.

Five international students of the Fontys Academy for Circus and Performance Art "ACaPA" (Tilburg, Netherlands) present their creation "Acrobatory". The show of 20-30 minutes consists of a melange of different exiting circus techniques including hand-to-hand, banquine, dynamic acrobatics, juggling, unicycling and a lot of other surprises.

Show duration: 30 min.
Performance space: min. 10 x 8 meter,
flat and hard surface (no grass),
Technique: no amplification necessary,
no electricity
Set up: -
Take down: ca. 10 min.

         Notice: parking and dressing room
close to the performance area



Contacteer Gifant